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1   package net.sf.jpkgmk.pkgmap;
3   import net.sf.jpkgmk.util.ArrayUtil;
5   /**
6    * @author gommma (gommma AT
7    * @author Last changed by: $Author: gommma $
8    * @version $Revision: 2 $ $Date: 2008-08-20 21:14:19 +0200 (Mi, 20 Aug 2008) $
9    * @since 1.0
10   */
11  public class PkgMapEntryDevice extends AbstractPkgMapEntry 
12  {
14  	public PkgMapEntryDevice(Integer part, PkgMapEntryType type,
15  			String entryClass, String entryPath, 
16  			Integer major, Integer minor, String mode, String owner,
17  			String group) {
18  		super(part, type, entryClass, entryPath, null, major, minor, mode, owner, group);
20  		validate();
21  	}
24  	private void validate() {
25  		// Mandatory parameter check
26  		if(this.getEntryPath() == null) {
27  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'path' must not be null");
28  		}
29  		if(this.getType() == null) {
30  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'type' must not be null");
31  		}
32  		if(this.getEntryClass() == null) {
33  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'entryClass' must not be null");
34  		}
35  		if(this.getEntryPath() == null) {
36  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'entryPath' must not be null");
37  		}
38  		if(this.getMajor() == null) {
39  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'major' must not be null");
40  		}
41  		if(this.getMinor() == null) {
42  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'minor' must not be null");
43  		}
44  		if(this.getMode() == null) {
45  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'mode' must not be null");
46  		}
47  		if(this.getOwner() == null) {
48  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'owner' must not be null");
49  		}
50  		if(this.getGroup() == null) {
51  			throw new NullPointerException("The parameter 'group' must not be null");
52  		}
53  	}
56  	public static class PkgMapEntryDeviceParser extends AbstractPkgMapEntryParser
57  	{
58  		@Override
59  		protected PkgMapEntry parseItems(String[] items, Integer part, PkgMapEntryType type, int currentIndex)
60  		{
61  			String fileClass = items[currentIndex++];
62  			String path = items[currentIndex++];
64  			Integer major = ArrayUtil.getArrayValueAsInt(items, currentIndex++);
65  			Integer minor = ArrayUtil.getArrayValueAsInt(items, currentIndex++);
66  			String mode = ArrayUtil.getArrayValue(items, currentIndex++);
67  			String owner = ArrayUtil.getArrayValue(items, currentIndex++);
68  			String group = ArrayUtil.getArrayValue(items, currentIndex++);
70  			PkgMapEntryDevice result = new PkgMapEntryDevice(part, type, fileClass, path, major, minor, mode, owner, group);
71  			return result;
72  		}
73  	}
75  }