Getting Started

  1. System requirements for using JPkgMk
  2. Create a solaris package from the command line
  3. Create a solaris package using the ant task

System requirements for using JPkgMk

The required libraries can be found in the section dependencies . The required runtime is Java 5 or newer.

Create a solaris package from the command line

Change into the root directory that contains your package files (directory containing the pkginfo and prototype files)

cd /data/mypackage

Invoke jpkgmk from this location:

java -jar jpkgmk.jar

Find the result package in the directory that is retrieved in java via System.getProperty(""). Normally this is the user's temp directory (under windows something like C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Local settings\Temp)

Create a solaris package using the ant task

You can invoke the package creation task as shown in the following example.

        <project name="ant-test" basedir="." default="all">
          <property name="source.dir" value="${basedir}/testfileset" />
          <property name="target.dir" value="${basedir}/targetpkg" />
          <taskdef name="jpkgmk" classname="net.sf.jpkgmk.ant.JPkgMkTask" loaderref="jpkgmk"/>
          <target name="all" depends="create-pkg, invalid-source-dir"/>

          <target name="create-pkg">
            <jpkgmk sourceDir="${source.dir}"